Sunday 18 December 2011

Whangarei Nz joins the Hare Krishna Food For Life party!

Dear Devotees, during the week, we were interviewed by a newspaper reporter and so we had an article in the newspaper during the week telling the public about the project...Next morning, we get a call from T.V New Zealand and they want to do a short story (only about 1mins worth) on us to put on National news!!!
HARE KRSNA!!! this has sped up the process of Food For Life Whangarei and we will be, Krsna willing up and running by next week Wednesday!  The news crew will come and film on Tuesday as we get set up and then on Wednesday for the opening!  Please send your blessings!
The Whangarei community, businesses and so on have come to the party with donations.  Buddhi has been approaching different people and the generosity of the people is overwhelming!
A paint shop donated us 20lt of paint...tinted to the colours we want. and a $70 voucher for paint brushes and accesories.  A man came and fixed the alarm system for free.  At first he was going to charge us $50 and then after hearing about the project he said "don't worry about the bill."
Another company quoted us $80 for good quality cleaning materials and detergents...then gave us 30% off, then said he'd pay half of the the SUPERSOUL affecting these souls?
A packaging company donated 500 biodegradable paper plates and someone anon, donated 8 chairs!
Whoo hooooo!  Tomorrow we are going over to another big company and they also want to donate paint and perhaps some other things we need.
The sign writers are busy with the signs and the race is on for Wednesday noon!
Hare Krsna!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

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