Wednesday 21 December 2011

Krsna forgives a sincere devotee.

Bhita Lajjita Devesa Kirita

After reading the pastime of Govardhana Hill in Krsna book, I was amazed at how consumed Lord Indra was with power.  He became so upset that he was not being worshipped, that he tried to kill Krsna and all the residence of Vrndavan!  Powerful! Shocking!
  Ultimately Krsna can never be defeated.  Indra eventually came to his senses and offered Prayers to Lord Krsna and asked for forgiveness.

I was deeply moved by Krsnas forgiving mood.  Even although Indra tried to kill Krsna and everyone in Vrndavan, Krsna still forgave Indra when he sincerely repented.  There is a lot of hope within this pastime.  Hope for us all as apiring devotees of Krsna/God.

We may make mistakes and become bewildered and even fight with Krsna, but if we come to our senses (by the mercy of the Lord and His Pure devotee)  We can again be situated properly in devotional service.

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