Wednesday, 21 December 2011

Krsna forgives a sincere devotee.

Bhita Lajjita Devesa Kirita

After reading the pastime of Govardhana Hill in Krsna book, I was amazed at how consumed Lord Indra was with power.  He became so upset that he was not being worshipped, that he tried to kill Krsna and all the residence of Vrndavan!  Powerful! Shocking!
  Ultimately Krsna can never be defeated.  Indra eventually came to his senses and offered Prayers to Lord Krsna and asked for forgiveness.

I was deeply moved by Krsnas forgiving mood.  Even although Indra tried to kill Krsna and everyone in Vrndavan, Krsna still forgave Indra when he sincerely repented.  There is a lot of hope within this pastime.  Hope for us all as apiring devotees of Krsna/God.

We may make mistakes and become bewildered and even fight with Krsna, but if we come to our senses (by the mercy of the Lord and His Pure devotee)  We can again be situated properly in devotional service.

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Met anyone like this lately?

A narcissistic sociopath is someone with a combination of narcissistic personality disorder and definitive behavioral signs of sociopathy. People with narcissism are characterized by their excessive and persistent need for others' admiration and positive reinforcement. They generally have grandiose opinions of themselves and believe they are superior to other people. Narcissists are also frequently convinced that they are above the normal responsibilities and obligations of everyday life, so they usually have significant difficulties maintaining employment or relationships as a result. The narcissistic sociopath has this type of personality along with a noticeable lack of regard for the rights of others and a tendency to regularly violate those rights.
One noted difference between a narcissistic sociopath and people with narcissism alone is that the narcissist with the sociopathy reacts strongly and sometimes even violently to negative feedback. True sociopaths generally do not respond to criticism or care what others may think of them. A narcissistic sociopath is unable to tolerate criticism and needs constant praise, as well as deference from other people. Many with this condition present themselves in the best light possible and are able to easily charm others to gain their trust.
A definite characteristic of a narcissistic sociopath is a tendency to view others not as fellow human beings, but rather as tools or means to an end. If certain other people are deemed unable to further the narcissistic sociopath's given agenda, they are normally cast aside. People diagnosed with this type of personality disorder usually do not have boundaries when it comes to manipulating and victimizing others if doing so will lead to their own benefit. This behavior trait can usually make romantic relationships with a narcissistic sociopath particularly destructive emotionally, mentally, and often financially. Many former spouses or partners of these individuals report that recovering from the relationship can take a long time.
Causes of narcissism are commonly attributed to abusive or dysfunctional early years, although some psychologists claim that specific biological differences in brain chemistry may also be partially to blame. Exact causes of sociopathic behavior are similarly subject to debate. When these two personality conditions coexist in the same person, some mental health professionals report that treating narcissism often yields better results than most attempts to treat sociopathy. Others maintain that most narcissistic sociopaths are largely untreatable through any kinds of established therapies, so the most that society can do is establish protective measures against these individuals' destructive behaviors.

The narcissistic personality has become pervasive in today's society. We frequently find them in top tier positions in business, government, entertainment and various professional power centers. The sociopath functions outside of society but his criminal acts have a tragic negative effect on everyone. The narcissist creates an elaborate image of perfection that brings him praise and admiration. At the highest levels the narcissist is charismatic and easily finds followers who will fulfill his voracious ego needs. High-level narcissists fool a lot of people, displaying a magnetic charm that is irresistible. Unlike the narcissist, the sociopath (anti-social personality) doesn't care one wit about the impression he is making. He lives in his own world, does what he wants, and detests and looks down on others. People are foolish pawns designed to be trapped in his web. The sociopath is an exploiter par excellence. The sociopath can be charming and seductive when he turns on his bright lights to get exactly what he wants when he wants it. But this panache is a thin, short-lived ploy.

Opening a grand success!

By the blessings of His Divine Grace Srila A.C Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada and His Divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Swami Prabhupada, the Hare Krishna Food for Life opening in Whangarei on 14th December 2011 was a grand success!!!
Mayor Cutforth and his good wife attended the function and his wife cut the ribbon to officially open Food For Life.
There were reporters and a film crew for TV Nz news.
About 100 people came through the doors on this day and took Krsna Prasadam.
From the homeless to the Mayor.
A few people gave donations.
The prasadam consisted of rice, dahl, potato and silverbeet subji, cauliflower, peas, tomatoe and curd subji, veg pakoras, fresh salad, halava, sweet rice, strawberries and cream and mango lassi!
It was fantastic and everyone was smiling with a tummy full of Krsna Prasadam!
Last night Buddhi and I read this in the Prabhupada book:
"The morning and evening kirtanas had already made the Radha-Krsna temple popular in Haight-Ashbury, but when the devotees began serving a daily free lunch, the temple became an integral part of the community.  Swamiji told His disciples simply to cook and distribute prasadam - that would be their only activity during the day. In the morning they would cook, and at noon they would feed everyone who came - sometimes 150 to 200 hippies from the streets of Haight-Ashbury..."
Very inspiring piece!

Raped by demons!

Raped by demons...
Rape the rivers
Rape the trees
Rape the soil
Rape the bees
Rape the ocean you heartless beings
Bring the people to their knees.
Rape our Mother, Holy Cow,
Murder our Father Bull with plough.

Infiltrate, Annihilate,
Buildings incinerate.

Trying to take control
Digging us into a deeper hole.
You cannot cut you cannot burn
The eternal soul within.
Trying so hard to break us down,
while wearing a plastic Crown.
The Supreme Lord the God of all - undefeated - can never fall.
Trying so hard to be Supreme, what a farce, a childish dream!

by Suvarna Manjari dasi 2011

Whangarei Nz joins the Hare Krishna Food For Life party!

Dear Devotees, during the week, we were interviewed by a newspaper reporter and so we had an article in the newspaper during the week telling the public about the project...Next morning, we get a call from T.V New Zealand and they want to do a short story (only about 1mins worth) on us to put on National news!!!
HARE KRSNA!!! this has sped up the process of Food For Life Whangarei and we will be, Krsna willing up and running by next week Wednesday!  The news crew will come and film on Tuesday as we get set up and then on Wednesday for the opening!  Please send your blessings!
The Whangarei community, businesses and so on have come to the party with donations.  Buddhi has been approaching different people and the generosity of the people is overwhelming!
A paint shop donated us 20lt of paint...tinted to the colours we want. and a $70 voucher for paint brushes and accesories.  A man came and fixed the alarm system for free.  At first he was going to charge us $50 and then after hearing about the project he said "don't worry about the bill."
Another company quoted us $80 for good quality cleaning materials and detergents...then gave us 30% off, then said he'd pay half of the the SUPERSOUL affecting these souls?
A packaging company donated 500 biodegradable paper plates and someone anon, donated 8 chairs!
Whoo hooooo!  Tomorrow we are going over to another big company and they also want to donate paint and perhaps some other things we need.
The sign writers are busy with the signs and the race is on for Wednesday noon!
Hare Krsna!  All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Miracles on Maunu Rd!


Drops of Nectar... bucket loads full!  Can the mercy be measured?  The happiness one experiences when trying (though riddled with faults) to serve Srila Prabhupada cannot be measured!
As some of you may know, my husband Buddhimanta Khan das and I are desiring to set up a small preaching centre and Food For Life here in a small town called Whangarei.
And I tell you, the mercy is flowing like thick honey. 
I realized today, that no matter whatever one tries to do for Srila Prabhupada and Krsna, we are never the losers, and Prabhupada says that too.
Today during our morning japa walk, we met a man who come limping down the street to meet us, calling out "Good Morning!"
Initially a bit sceptical, Buddhi and I listened to this man...and basically he is a bhakta.  He was once before a vegetarian and attended some Hare Krsna festivals in Auckland back in the day, but started eating meat again due to circumstances, but so much wants to stop.
He said he believes to the letter in the commandments that "Thou shalt not kill"...Srila Prabhupada I'm sure favours this soul due to his understanding.
Listening to this man, who at a first glance, one without a deeper vision would think that he was just a nobody.  Just another guy who is not all well off and glamorous.

He offered his service and said that if we need anything, painting, cleaning whatever, to call on him for service.  What a moment in time.  He lives just around the corner from us. (we have just moved into an apartment around the corner from where the preaching centre will be)
Lately our days have wonderful moments of connecting with other people.  We do not hide the fact that we are devotees and we are seeing wonderful things happen before our eyes.
Today we spoke to another man, and he told us, "It is amazing, just the other day my wife said to me that she thinks Whangarei needs a soup kitchen and then I met you Buddhi."
He said his wife would love to help out and volunteer at Food For Life.
We have been given  a free building for Food for Life on a month to month basis...the landlord wishes to remain anon.
And just the other day a man who owns a second hand whiteware shop donated a fridge and freezer.

But today, to top off everything, a locksmith came to change our locks (since the last tenants of our house were drug dealers) and the one locksmith was looking at this big picture we have of Radha Krsna. 
He asked me "Who is the Lady on the right?"
I said, "Oh, this is Radharani, the female aspect of God, Krsnas consort."
He was very curious and interested.
Then he said "I have a tattoo of her...I never knew who it was, but I think it's her.
Excitedly I asked him if I could see the tattoo.
He lifted his shirt and there was a huge tattoo, down the right side of His chest.  I was'nt sure if it was Radharani, because her features were very strong. (but then again it could have been the artists impression.)

Anyways, I said "Maybe it's Sarasvati?"
He said, "Look, she has a peacock feather in her hand."

Later on, I told my husband about the incident and I looked at the picture to see if Radharani was holding a peacock feather, but she was not.  My husband told me to go and look at another picture of an old Radha Krsna picture that he just framed last night...and to my great and wonderous surprise...Radharani was holding peacock feathers and was embracing her beloved Krsna!
Just another miracle on Maunu Road!
Meeting Srila Prabhupada has undoubtedly been the greatest blessing in all my life and millions of lifetimes!
All glories to You Srila Prabhupada, You are the reason my life is worth living!

Too cute!

A little deeper...

We've got to look a little deeper at the picture,
We've got to read a little deeper into the words,
We've got to hear a little deeper from the Teacher,
You've got to move a little further from the herd!

How can we move forward when we have'nt seen the past?
How can we succeed if we're blind looking through glass?
How can we give when we have an empty heart?

We've got to look, just a little bit deeper...