Thursday 10 January 2013

The more we boil the milk, the sweeter it gets.

Here are some inspiring quotes from Srila Prabhupada regarding boiling down the milk of Krsna Consciousness:

. have got the right idea when you say that your preaching work
shall be directed toward the children and the devotees and not so much to
the Dallas public. We may thin the milk till it becomes useless, or we may
boil it until it becomes thick and sweet, so now we have got enough
followers, let us train them up perfectly in the philosophy and activities
of Krsna Consciousness way of life. Unless all of my students become very
much fixed up in their spiritual progress, what is the use of so many
programs for expansion? So you are the leader at Dallas, now it is your task
to become very, very responsible for the spiritual well being of all of the
students there, so Krsna will give you all intelligence and facilities to
serve Him nicely if you are very much sincere to do so. This will please me
very much.
REF. Letter to: Stokakrsna -- Los Angeles 20 June, 1972

I want that we shall concentrate on making our devotees Krishna
conscious and ourselves becoming Krishna conscious, and not be so much
concerned with expanding ourselves widely but without any spiritual content.
Just like boiling the milk, it becomes thicker and sweeter. Now do like
that, boil the milk.
Hoping this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
============ REF. Letter to: Rupanuga --
Honolulu 9 May, 1972

Now we have got so many students and so many temples but I am fearful
that if we expand too much in this way that we shall become weakened
and gradually the whole thing will become lost. Just like milk. We may thin
it more and more with water for cheating the customer, but in the end it
will cease to be any longer milk. Better to boil the milk now very
vigorously and make it thick and sweet, that is the best process. So let us
concentrate on training our devotees very thoroughly in the knowledge of
Krishna Consciousness from our books, from tapes, by discussing always, and
in so many ways instruct them in the right propositions.
I hope this meets you and your good wife Himavati in good health, and I
shall be arriving in London sometime on the 5th July, so you may all come to
London at your convenience and see me there.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
============ REF. Letter to: Hamsaduta -- Los Angeles 22
June, 1972


 Simply boil the milk.  From my conditioned point of view, I realized today, that whatever my husband and myself have, I'd like to consolidate it and now boil down the milk.

By the mercy of Srila Prabhupada, we have everything, all the books, all the knowledge, all the training, all facility for devotional service.   All the know how of how to rise up to the human platform and then how to become a devotee.

I looked at our pots today and saw that they were black at the bottom...I have to start somewhere.  Boil down the milk, boil down the milk.  Make everything I do nice and clean and proper so that one day Sri Guru will come and give his darshan and perhaps he will take us to Lord Sri Krsna.

Boiling down the milk, boiling down the milk.  We must not over endeavor and become depressed, always keeping the balance.  Health, sadhana, service.
 Knowing our limitations and from what platform we are starting out from.  Following the instructions of Sri Guru meticulously, with duty, purpose, faith, enthusiasm and determination.

Boiling down the milk, be careful not to burn, not to boil over, keeping the temperature just right.
Clean the pots, clean the kitchen, clean the temple, clean the heart.
An offering to Sri Guru, will he accept this service? - oh look, a black spot, clean, clean again.  Kick out laziness, kick out illusion, kick out apathy in the process of devotional service.
Everyday new.  A new opportunity to improve.

Boiling down the milk, boiling down the milk...Dear Gurudeva, is this offering acceptable?...I did'nt think so.  Thank you for your patience GuruMaharaj, thank you for your compassion. I'll go back and try again.  Thank you for giving me a chance Gurudeva.
One day, one day it will be perfect.  One day it will be pure.  By your mercy Gurudeva, by your grace and  by some endeavor from me a would be lost case.
Jay Gurudeva.

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